Holy Crap That Was Fun!

Just completed a week long portfolio shooting extravaganza and I couldn't be more stoked.  No joke, Friday morning, after five 16 hour days and with one long shooting day ahead, I woke up 2 hours before my alarm because I was so freakin' excited about the images we made.

I say "we" because I had help from an army of outrageously awesome individuals.  Without whom none of it would have been possible.  Okay I could have done a couple of the macros, but THE REST would have been impossible.

Can't wait to show you.

Huge thanks to (in order of appearance): Penelope, Burddogz, Kevin, Kylie, Natalie, Hanna, Richard, Austin, Liliburd, Beefcake, Abigail, Peery, Ashley, Zeani, Jess, Angelica, Laila, and the other guy.  Thanks to everybody else who didn't get in front of the light machine for taking time to be part of the show.  Manju Bhatt!  Special thanks also to Heather Smith for all her help wrangling models for us!